Call for papers

                                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS, ISSUE: 1/2020


Journal ‘Administration’ invites you to submit manuscripts for its next issue: 1/2020.

Particular interest will be given to the research studies that are related to Administration: theoretical and practical approaches to the state, public policies, public administration, governance, economy, management, business, public finance, public and private investments, organization of the public administration systems and institutions, public administration procedures, service oriented government, local and regional government, human resource management with the emphasis to the public administration, public procurement, administrative culture, relations between various levels and forms of state organizations, public participation, comparison of the normative, organizational, procedural and other aspects of public administrations worldwide with the emphasiz to the transitional countries, European union integrations and European administrative space, quality measurment and assessments and standards regarding both public and business administration, project management, public-private partnerships and other related topics.

The journal publishes theoretical and empirical work in the specified areas and provides prompt and constructive reviews to author(s).

Publisher: The Faculty of Administration, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Papers should be delivered via e-mail: , at the latest in April 2020 for the 1/2020 issue, or later for the 2/2020 issue.